Frequently Asked Questions, Hints & Tips
Hints & Tips
Please see below for some hints & tips. If you have a tip you'd be happy to share to help others, please let us know.
Tip from Peter R, Opito Bay
I use a small length of square metal pipe, with a hole drilled in it through which I apply Exterm-An-Ant, then I turn the pipe 90 degrees and place in the garden, this ensures rain can't wash the bait away and animals and pets can't access the baits, but the ants certainly can!
Tip from Ivan B, Gisborne
Just pour some into a bottle top, half full for a milk top usually does the job, and place beside an ant trail. They can't resist it and will go for it straight away. Let one drop run down the side of the top so they will climb into it.
Paving Stones
If you see piles of sand around your paving stones, as in the photo below, the hole in the middle is a great place to apply some Exterm-An-Ant.
Where Can I Buy Exterm-An-Ant?
You can purchase from your local pest control specialist, Farmlands Store, selected New World, Mitre 10, Four Square, Fresh Choice, Hammer Hardware and other Hardware / General stores, or please contact us for the location of our stockist nearest you. We recommend phoning your local store before visiting to ensure they haven't sold out. Buy Exterm-An-Ant online here.
Can Our Store Sell Exterm-An-Ant?
If you are a store wishing to stock our product, please contact us, we'll be happy to help.
How Do I Use Exterm-An-Ant?
Shake thoroughly, then pour 4-5 mL onto foil or a shallow dish and leave near ant trail. Place baits in areas not accessible to pets and humans. Lay several baits to control heavy infestation. Repeat until no further ants are seen. If you have a large infestation, you may need to use several bottles to get the problem under control.
For best results remove other potential ant food sources, and don't use fly spray or barrier sprays when baiting, as these could weaken and prevent the ants from making it back to the nest with their 'payload' of ant killer.
The key to complete eradication is to keep applying Exterm-An-Ant until there are no more ants. We recommend checking & rebaiting for 4-6 weeks as eggs in the nest won't be affected by the bait and could re-infest areas as they hatch.
How Long Does It Take To Kill Ants?
Ants will take the bait back to the nest and ants usually die within 24-48 hours.
Why Do I Need To Shake It?
Exterm-An-Ant contains natural attractants and toxins, these are carefully homogenized during manufacture. Depending on your storage conditions the components can appear to be graduated in the bottle, this is normal and why we recommend thoroughly shaking before use.
Does It Work on Argentinian or Darwin Ants?
There are around 40 confirmed species of ants in NZ (and around 10,000 in the world), the majority of those in NZ are introduced species (source: Landcare Research / Ward 2005).
Customer Testimonials and independent research (references on file) suggest that Exterm-An-Ant is effective against most ants in NZ.
Is Exterm-An-Ant MPI Approved?
Yes, we have EPA, MPI and AsureQuality approval. For more details see our Documents page.
How Much Is Exterm-An-Ant?
Please contact your local stockist for current pricing. Our ant killer uses only the best ingredients, so it won't be the cheapest product you'll find, but we're sure you'll find it to be the most effective!
Why Kill Ants, Don't You Like Animals?
We are real animal lovers, and part of the proceeds from every bottle of Exterm-An-Ant sold is donated to the SPCA, which we feel is a great cause. Ants are an unwelcome house guest, creating stress for home owners, contaminating food & spreading diseases, and can affect our biodiversity when introduced to native habitats in New Zealand, so we're happy to help eradicate them from areas where they're not wanted.