Genuine Exterm-An-Ant Customer Feedback
"What a great product you have. It has saved me multiple times from the ants in New Plymouth. I can recall having ants all over the back door but after a large supply of Exterm-An-Ant, they were nowhere to be seen in the morning and have not seen them since - that was 12 months ago." Murray T, New Plymouth
"Thank you, Exterm-An-Ant for my last order, this is the second time I have used your product and I am extremely happy with it. To me it is the best on the market." Rose K
"I've tried every product on the market and Exterm-An-Ant is the only one that always works for me." Arthur S, Hawkes Bay
"Thanks you so much for this product, I finally solved my embarrassing ant problem!" Jane M, Gisborne
"Big problem with Darwin Ants. EAA is the only product we found that actually works, a few drops keep them under control for weeks at a time. Brilliant stuff." Tony
"I am a member of the public and a house owner in Mt Eden, Auckland which must be the ant capital of NZ. The reason for my call is I have the remains of a 100mL container of Exterm-An-Ant which the ants will eat. The little Exterm-An-Ant I have must be 4-5 years old. The ants have invaded my house and there seems to be several varieties from the tiny ones that run all over the place to the big black ones that follow trails. I have tried everything in the supermarkets and hardware stores as well as adding peanut butter or honey for protein and sugar ants but no luck. The ants won't touch (another product) either. Can you help me please either supplying your product, recommending who I can contact or give me some suggestions." Sandra K, Auckland
"We have the whole kit from our local ant guy who's no longer in business. Can you please let me know how I can purchase your product as it's the only thing working on our ants this summer and we have run out!" Bridget D, Christchurch
We have many more testimonials on file, this is just a small sample...
Exterm-An-Ant is used at our borders to help protect New Zealand from introduced ant species, and independent research has found it to be effective against a number of ant species, including Argentinian ants (references on file).